Golden key and puzzle pieces - 3d render illustration

There is Another Way!

So many people feel frustrated and discouraged these days as they struggle to make ends meet. Becoming a millionaire is not the measure of a good life or of being a happy, loving person. However, feeling trapped in a rat race or being confined to a soulless cubicle, rarely having quality time to spend with loved ones or having the time and means to do the things we love to do or explore the amazing world around us can leave us with an underlying deep feeling of sadness or anger. We wonder if, perhaps, our lives have been hijacked into a corporate system that is exploiting us for our time and energy, only to spit us out when we are all used up, leaving us sick, tired and possibly deeply depressed. We it see it all around us more and more these days. So many people find themselves numbing the stress of that way of life by collapsing in front of the TV with junk food, deeply medicated, wondering why their health and life is slipping away.

Becoming a millionaire is not the point of “ being a millionaire” as if it were a title or a status symbol. It is simply one avenue towards reclaiming one’s time and freedom to function in the world without being so tied down and even then not being able to make ends meet. So many people go to college simply to learn a trade, without realizing that college can inspire us to be life-long learners with all the joy of exploration and fulfillment that brings.

Being Self-Employed, an Entrepreneur

For example, it is so much easier to be an entrepreneur, such as an affiliate marketer online, than it is to go to college for 4 years, go into debt and become, perhaps an accountant, where it is highly unlikely you ever would become a millionaire, that is – a debt-free person with time and freedom.

Here is One Way to Be an Entrepreneur.

It is way more fun giving things away for free such as free reports or trainings (such as “How to Learn to …….” or “7 Surefire Dog Training Tips”) and attracting people to something they then might want to purchase from you (such as dog collars or a full dog training course). Certainly a lot more fun than spending your life in a cubicle. It can be learned while you are working your day job and then, as you bring in enough of an income to live on, you can quit your day job.

Just follow instructions, put in the time and be persistent. Information products work best. These days, more people are using these sources of information, trainings and coaching for education than are now going to college (going deeply into debt) so people love them. The entire world is not only your teacher, but also your market so there is no end to the number of people you can reach. It is easy to underestimate how many people buy things online, more so every day.

Be sure and get some training to insure success and so that you don’t waste time and money re-inventing the wheel.

Another Way is Being a Network Marketer

People recommend things all the time. How nice would it be to get paid for recommending things? Especially when you don’t have to carry any inventory, unlike Avon, for example, where you need inventory to have Avon parties. It is so much more simple when orders are just drop-shipped and all the paperwork is is handled by someone else where you can see it in the online office that is supplied for you.

All this can also be done online. The beauty of this is that you don’t even need all that much expertise. You can share videos and let them do most of the talking. If you like to get out and about you can do that, in addition, if you don’t like to spend all that much time in front of the computer and like to socialize in person. Personally, I like sitting around in cafes any old time of the day. Bring along your laptop.

Blue misty hills

Now is the Time

This is now the best time in the history of the internet to make money online since it has now become so easy to create websites and connect to people in so many ways.

Always offer quality and be honorable, be a good online citizen. Those who are spamming people with a lot of empty hype are not good online citizens. People who buy things from you will then tend to buy other things from you as they begin to know and trust you. Once you get it set up and running it only involves a few hours a day – wonderful for people with families or dreams they now have the means and time to reach.

The Printing Press Revolutionized the World, Now We Have This!

The beauty of the internet in its present state of evolution is that, not only is it is like having a door in your room that opens up into a vast library of the world’s knowledge, but it is based upon a series of ethical ideals about media, culture and technology. We finally have an avenue for creative amateurs and professionals: including self-taught filmmakers, dorm-room musicians, hobbyists, unpublished writers, small businesses, inventors, and creators of alternative resources in the areas of health, green living and sustainability to offer and control their output without the interference of middlemen, without repression, propaganda and censorship.

This opportunity now exists for the first time in the history of the world and represents an occasion as monumental as the invention of the printing press was in its day.

There are even meditation aids available, such as paraliminals and sound tracts to help people sleep or to stimulate their creativity.

This resource is now available for everyone to use to express and realize themselves. This empowers our creativity, it democratizes media, it tends to level the playing field between experts and amateurs. This bypasses traditional media.

It is important to consider that an amateur may have as much expertise as an expert, they just don’t get paid for it. For example, an Olympic athlete is not considered to be a “professional” because they don’t get paid. They certainly have expertise, however!

This is not to say that credentials are not, in some fields, extremely important. You want to know that your brain surgeon, for example has had as much education, training and experience in his or her field as possible and who, furthermore, has a good reputation. A degree or title is a good way of representing this and was, no doubt, hard earned, and deserving of respect.

We are seeing the separation of content from its old forms. Text is no longer necessarily embedded or isolated in a Web page, it can be syndicated where it can reach more people. Audio is no longer tied to the radio network where it is constantly interrupted by commercials. It can be podcasted or streamed or downloaded. TV shows are no longer necessarily tied to TV networks, which are heavily censored and propagandized/manipulative. These trends throw many business models into question. It now allows the free flow of information and frees it from dominating corporate control as we move into a new era of transparency.